Senior shepherd seems to be resigned to his fate at busy animal shelter
A senior German shepherd appears to be resigned to his fate from behind the caged door of his kennel run at the Inland Valley Humane Society in Pomona, California. Boris, an eight-year-old shepherd, has been at the animal shelter since August 3, and in the months that have passed, it seems that he has lost hope of ever leaving.
Few details have been released about this handsome senior…aside from his name and intake date, there is little information about Boris, aside from a vague reference to “pleasant.” Given the amount of time that Boris has been held at the facility, it is unlikely that he has displayed concerning behavior.
Saving this senior dog
Does anyone want to adopt a senior dog? Aren’t most people seeking a puppy or young adult companion? Perhaps…but then again, maybe someone will find it in their heart to open their home to a homeless senior dog in need. Boris deserves the chance to live out the remainder of his life with a devoted guardian.
You can help Boris by sharing this article with his adoption information.
Website link to Boris’ profile here.
German Shepherd
Age (approximate): 8 years
Sex Male
Available on:
(Subject to change) Aug 3, 2018
Rescue Date:
(Subject to change) Aug 23, 2018
Control Number: #I1298457
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