Senior boy alone and scared after owner left him at busy animal shelter

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A handsome old boy, nine years of age, has lost everything that he once knew. Buddy has been in a kennel at the Riverside County Animal Control since November 5 – the day that his owner handed him over to strangers. Buddy is undoubtedly scared and confused – he no longer has his people, or his toys. Everything that was once familiar is gone.

Senior dog

At nine years of age, Buddy has many of the age-related maladies that older dogs develop. On November 16, the volunteer-run Facebook page, Saving Riverside Shelter Dogs, wrote:

Geriatric, dental wear and missing teeth, calluses on hips and hocks

BUDDY (Name on kennel card) #A1484327

Saving Buddy

You can help this senior boy find his way out of the shelter, and into a home, by sharing this article, with his adoption information. Networking is proven to save lives. Please consider offering a senior dog a place in your home…they may be older, but they still deserve love.

Petharbor link here.

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