Dog Enjoys Sunny Afternoon at Ballpark in Papoose
Seeing someone with a baby in a papoose isn’t at all a new thing. However, we don’t remember ever seeing someone bring their dog to a baseball game in one. This dog and his human enjoyed a sunny afternoon watching a Phillies game when someone snapped a photo of the pair, and the photo is going viral.
The baseball-loving duo were seen during a Philadelphia Phillies preseason game against the Huston Astros in Clearwater, Florida. This time of year is also known as spring training, and the exhibition games draw crowds from all over the United States.
Just take a look at that dog’s face! Pure bliss is about the best description that we could think of. Besides, what could be better for a dog than to get to hang out all afternoon with his or her human, enjoying the beautiful spring weather, in a peaceful park? The napping and relaxation possibilities are endless! (And we don’t blame the dog for taking a snooze. Baseball can be a bit… boring.)
Seeing something so darn adorable absolutely calls for a photo opportunity. Someone in the crowd at the game also thought so, so they took a snap and posted it to the internet. Now the man and his dog are becoming “internet famous” with their viral photo. One look at it, and it’s not hard to see why.
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