See what the dog does after the marine dies in battle and you will be speechless

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Dogs are the only creatures on planet earth who love their owner more than they love themselves. We cannot even imagine the amount of love they have for us and imagine the heartbreak of a dog when his owner, a marine, dies in battle. A feature film by the makers of by the producers of the doggie classic Marley and Me is here and it’s called Max. This movie explores a soldier dog’s journey that rather begins with him chasing down his fallen brother.

Max is a trained handler who loses her handler Kyle in Afghanistan and he gets too devastated to fight. The only person willing to take Max with him is Kyle’s brother, Justin. It is pure luck that Justin can be able to relate to the heartbroken Max because he has troubles of his own. This is not the first time we have heard a story like that because military dogs give a lot to their countries by serving overseas.

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