Saddest bonded German shepherd watches over her nearly blind pal at crowded shelter

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If there ever was a sad story of two bonded siblings surrendered to the Carson Animal Shelter, then it has to be about Bella and Snowball. On Saturday, their family removed their collars and leashes and told the shelter staff, they just didn’t have time to care for the dogs. A volunteer standing by watched the heartbreaking moment:

“This will be the saddest thing you see today or maybe all week, and it will be hard to get out of your mind…. SNOWBALL is missing an eye and the one he has doesn’t look great. His big sister BELLA takes care of him.”

Bella is an  eight-year-old female German Shepherd. She is not spayed. She has  been at the Carson Animal Care Center since April 29 and is available for adoption today. You can visit her at her temporary home at C217. Reference #A3983340.  Click here for Bella’s Pet Harbor adoption listing. Her Facebook page can be followed here.

Snowball is a 13-year-old male Chihuahua who is neutered. He has been at the Carson Animal Care Center since April 29 and is available for adoption today. You can visit him at his temporary home at C217. Reference #A5055415. Click here for Snowball’s Pet Harbor adoption listing. His Facebook page can be followed here.

(Photos and video of bonded German shepherd and Chi courtesy of Saving Carson Dogs)

For information about fostering or adopting Bella and Snowball, contact:

Carson Shelter, Gardena, California
216 Victoria Street, Gardena, California

Please watch their video and see how close they are. Share their story with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social medial contacts. Sharing saves lives. These two are very special and deserve better:

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