Rescuer pens heartbreaking letter to owner of ‘discarded like trash’ dog

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In a heartbreaking open letter to the owner of a beautiful black American bulldog found abandoned in the woods in Lebanon, Pennsylvania on Sunday, the founder of Speranza Animal Rescue wanted to make sure this dog counted; regardless of having been “discarded like trash.”

On the rescue’s social media page, the discovery of the dog began here.

“Kimberly Brown This is so heart breaking! Our friend’s husband is the one that found her in the woods and placed her in the basket with blankets to comfort her. He said all she wanted was love and affection. She immediately cuddled up and fell asleep while he reached out to find help for her.”

The dog was rushed to an emergency veterinarian where Speranza Animal Rescue founder, Janine Guido, met the dog she named Allie. She watched as the police carried her in and as the technicians immediately rushed her to the back for emergency treatment.

“I sat in the waiting room. Crying over your dog. I sat there and prayed. Prayed that your dog was going to be ok. The one whose skin was so rough from the mange. The one whose rectum and intestines were coming out of her hind end. The one that you let suffer for awhile. Then discarded like trash,” Janine wrote.

Tragically, Allie’s fate had already been sealed because of the neglect. Janine continued.

“I was then taken to a back room by the Doctor to discuss the fate of your dog. You let your dog suffer for so long that there was no surgical procedure to help. The rectum and intestines were necrotic. From being outside of her body for so long.”

And then, perhaps the hardest part of being a rescue person was the time to say goodbye.

“I sat there and watched the techs try and stick a catheter into your dog’s leg. To prepare her for euthanasia. But, they had to try multiple times. Because you dog’s skin was like leather : due to the mange and neglect. I cradled your dog. I held her tight. And, I stayed with her til she passed over.”

Lastly, those last moments when love moves away but never fades.

“I told your dog I loved her. Even though I only knew her for minutes. I also gave your dog a name. Because I didn’t know hers. I don’t know how you sleep at night. I don’t know how you can keep on living knowing what you did to your dog. The dog that was so loyal to you. I’m so sorry you were failed, Allie. Even though it was only for a brief while I hope you know how much I loved you.”

Rest in peace Allie and many thanks to everyone involved helping this dog realize she was loved.

Allie was found at Stoevers Dam in Lebanon, Pa. Please contact Officer Gross at North Lebanon Police Department 717-273-8141 if you have any information.

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