Rescue Dogs Get A Taste Of The ‘Freedom Field’ For The First Time, And They Love It
Dogs Deserve Better is a rescue and rehabilitation center in Smithfield, Virginia, that focuses on dogs who are chained, penned, or tethered outside and exposed to the elements all day and night.
These neglected pooches come to the facility unhealthy, unsocialized, and often traumatized. Since they’d never had any positive interactions with humans before, the dogs are often timid and reserved at first. But the staff does an amazing job of familiarizing the dogs with their new surroundings and new lives.
In the video below, you can see some of the rescues taking their freedom runs in the Freedom Field for the very first time. Sometimes they are unsure of what to do at first with so much space, but it’s not long before their doggy instincts kick in and they’re off running around and playing the way dogs are meant to play! It’s an amazing thing to witness, that’s for sure. 🙂
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