Rescue Dog Dad John Stamos Says “Adopt, Don’t Shop”
We love to recognize celebrities who use their fame for a good cause, and promoting adoption is certainly a good cause. Though this ad is being promoted through PETA, and while know they are often the subject of controversy, that is neither here nor there – this is all about sharing some love with an adopted pet.
Seeing John Stamos getting cozy with a dog isn’t an unfamiliar sight – as Uncle Jesse on Full House, he shared many a scene with beloved golden retriever Comet. But what some may not know is that he is actually a devoted dog dad himself.
He currently has two rescue dogs, Frieda and Lilo. Sadly, Stamos and his family had to say goodbye to their third dog Linka, who died in August. But the other two gals are still going strong, as seen on their Instagram pages, friedastamos and theliloforce.
“I couldn’t ask for more devoted companions than my dogs Lilo and Frieda, who are always ready to play, snuggle, and keep my spirits up,” Stamos said in a press release. “PETA and I encourage people to find the love of their lives at their local animal shelter.”
Millions of fantastic dogs and cats are killed in shelters every years simply because there is not enough room for all of them. Before giving money to someone who makes a living breeding dogs, please consider adopting your new best friend from a shelter.
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