Puppy plucked away by owl and dropped on golf course recovering

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One lucky puppy from Scottsdale, Arizona plucked away by an owl on Friday and then dropped on a local golf course, is recovering from her scary experience.

According to the Foothills Animal Rescue, the 12-week-old puppy named Latte, had been in her foster family’s backyard with three other dogs when the puppy wandered away to the side of the home. At that moment, an owl swooped down, plucked the puppy up and flew away.

What has to have been the luckiest puppy in Scottsdale happened 12-hours later. Golfers at Troon Golf Club found the injured pooch under a tree near the 16th hole. Although she was dehydrated and weak with puncture wounds in her head from the owl’s talons, Latte survived; and after spending the weekend at the veterinary hospital, has been reunited with her foster family.

On Tuesday, Latte’s update and her story were posted on the rescue organization’s Facebook page.

“Let me tell you, being picked up and carried off by an owl is no fun, but they tell me I’m making a speedy recovery. I still tire quickly and have a pretty “ruff” (see what I did there?) cough, but overall I am feeling fine…”

Many thanks for the donations on Arizona Gives Day. All of Latte’s medical bills have been paid and there are extra funds to help other dogs and cats at the shelter.

If you want to help and didn’t have time to donate, you can go here: https://www.azgives.org/FOOTHILLSANIMALRESCUE.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

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