Postal Worker Finds Stray Puppy on Route, Helps Him Become an Honorary Mailman

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An ordinary day at work took an extraordinary turn for a postal worker who made an unexpected friend on her route. According to, the mail carrier stumbled upon a tiny stray puppy who was in dire need of help. After rescuing him, the little dog returned the favor by helping her finish her delivery route.

As reported by Ruff Start Rescue, the postal worker discovered the small dog wandering alone. Given the sweltering heat and lack of nearby houses, the mail carrier knew she had to intervene.

In a touching gesture, after she “scooped his skinny frame up,” the tiny pup accompanied her, riding in a mail bin, for the rest of her deliveries.

Azure Davis, Director of Ruff Start Rescue, shared that the small canine expressed his gratitude by helping her deliver the mail.

The mail carrier’s good deed didn’t stop there. After their shared workday, she took the little dog to the vet for a thorough checkup.

The vet found the pup to be severely dehydrated from the heat, but thankfully, no severe illnesses or injuries were reported. “He probably wouldn’t have made it if she hadn’t stopped to pick him up,” said Davis, underscoring the timely intervention.

Ruff Start Rescue took the pup in post-checkup and aptly named him “Priority” in a nod to the priority mail box he rode in. Priority is currently living in a foster home and has received multiple adoption applications, according to Ruff Start.

His foster mom describes him as a very outgoing and confident puppy. “And so appreciative to the mail carrier who saved him.”

Priority, the adorable honorary mailman, owes his second chance at life to the compassionate postal worker who rescued him. We are overjoyed that Priority is doing well, and we wish him a quick journey to his forever home!

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