Police Dog Reads Suspect’s Intentions and Saves His Partner

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We all know police dog are amazing. Not only are these canines trained to perfection, but the four-legged officers are so willing to risk their lives to protect our safety and the safety of their partners. On January 8, 2016, a video of a police dog doing just that was posted on Facebook and the dog’s heroic actions have gone viral.


The video, captured by a police car’s dash camera, shows when a police officer makes a traffic stop and asks the driver to step out of the vehicle. The officer approaches the suspect with his K-9 partner, but after determining the suspect does not represent any danger, he orders his K-9 partner to stand down, while he approaches the man alone.

However, the four-legged officer knows the driver is up to no good, and as soon as his human partner starts approaching the man, the dog barks notifying the officer something is wrong.

The police man keeps telling his partner to stand down and the driver even taunts the dog as if saying “I’m not going to do anything,” but out of a sudden the driver tries to subdue the officer. In that same instant, the dog jumps, bites the man and puts an end to the driver’s malicious intentions.




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