Pit Bull That Spent Five Years in Shelter Finally Gets Adopted

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Chester’s touching note finished with: “I promise to be good and love my new family. Please maybe you are new family. I sit and wait for you to come.”


Luckily for this Pit Bull, the plea worked. Within two days, Chester had found a family of his own. Dana and Adi Or and their two boys Aidan and Brandon came into the shelter to meet Chester and immediately clicked with the dog. Adi said that as soon as the family met him, they knew they were taking him home. “We saw him and we felt connected. It was meant to be,” he told reporters.

Now Chester is spending his days snuggling with his new dad, lounging on his brother’s bed and meeting a big extended family that is showering him with lots of love. While it may have taken five years, we’re happy that Chester finally has the incredible family that he deserves.

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