Paralyzed Puppy Proved Her Resiliency When She Dragged Herself For Miles Until She Found Help

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This dog, named Poppy, has been to hell and back on a mission to survive. Her back legs were paralyzed and she dragged herself for miles to find help in Botswana, South Africa, avoiding predators and starvation, and ended up at a remote research camp.

“The instant I looked in her eyes, I thought ‘OK, all of my energy is going to be focused on making sure this puppy is OK,’” Amanda Stronza, director of Ecoexist Project, told The Dodo.
It’s unknown how Poppy became paralyzed, but rescuers knew they had to do whatever it took to help Poppy and one day get her walking again.

Poppy needed surgery to fix her injured spine, so Stronza made a GoFundMe page to help raise money for Poppy’s medical expenses. Although Poppy wasn’t in the best shape, her story touched the hearts of millions, and people from all over the world were inquiring about adopting her. After her surgery and recovery, Poppy went to a clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa, for physical therapy to help her hind legs get stronger.

Mary Beth Hastings, one of Stronza’s best friends, saw Poppy’s story on Facebook and fell in love. Her two daughters also fell in love with Poppy and wanted to give her a forever home. Luckily, it all worked out and they adopted her! Poppy now lives in Maryland with the Hastings family and is adjusting to her new home very well. She has also made new doggy friends and is loving her new life.

Poppy may not be able to use her hind legs, but she doesn’t know she’s any different from other dogs. She still gets around just fine, and is still enjoying every day to the fullest. Poppy’s disability has not slowed her down one bit, and her story is one of true strength and perseverance. Her will to survive is incredible, and she is truly an inspiration to all!

Poppy had a rough patch in life and was all alone while she was injured, but she never has to worry about being alone ever again. Her new family will shower her with love for the rest of her life. Click here to follow Poppy’s adventures on her Facebook page. Watch her journey in the video below:

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