When It’s Bath Time, These Dogs Have An Adorably Hilarious Reaction
We all know how cute our pups are when they get excited about a treat or have a toy waved in their face, but these adorable Miniature Dachshunds are totally amped up for something a little differen…
Even If You’re Not Feeling Low, These Cute Corgis Will Make Your Day WAY Better
Time and time again, it’s been proven that Corgis are the greatest. But there’s not a day that goes by where a little dose of their cuteness isn’t appreciated. Whether you’re already having a great…
Watching A Golden Retriever Eat Corn On The Cob Is The Funniest Thing Ever
Golden Retrievers are known for eating pretty much everything, and Coco-chan here is no different. However, what separates her from other Golden Retrievers I’ve met is how she likes to slowly eat a…
The Only Thing Cuter Than A Puppy Is One That’s Best Friends With A Bunch Of Chicks
YouTuber Devin releases a new video each week featuring extreme daredevils performing the craziest stunts. However, he recently changed his routine a bit and decided to highlight the extreme cutene…
Great Pyrenees Guards Newborn Kid Until Help Arrives
A dog named Libby at a Bangor, Michigan farm became a bit of a hero last week when she took care of an abandoned baby goat until someone found the pair and was able to feed the kid.
Ron Klein ha…
Couple Rescues Dog Starving to Death on a Mountain
Amanda Guarascio and her girlfriend Dylan Parkinson saved the life of a dog who was slowly starving to death on Mount Rainier. Because this dog, called Baby Bear, was so frightened of people, t…
Darn Those Pesky Shadow Puppets!
This poor bulldog is confused. He’s not quite sure what it is he’s seeing invading his home, but he does know something is there that needs to be dealt with. Plus, this puppet barks! So what doe…
Movie Helps 250 Dogs Find Forever Homes
The movie “White God” by Kornel Mundruczo and produced by Magnolia pictures, had a cast of 250 shelter dogs in need of families. When filming was over, each and everyone of the 250 dogs found h…
Mister Mo’s Cookbook Helps Raise Money to Assist Senior Dogs
Life in the Dog House’s Chris and Mariesa give some recipies from Mr. Mo’s Cookbook. This is a special cookbook where not only are there many healthy options for your furry family members, but wi…
Is That a Mop or a Dog?
This white stringy lump on the floor resembling a mop comes to life when there’s someone knocking at the door. Hands down, this is the cutest four-legged mop we have seen in our lives.
Hulk Sings the Blues With his Human Brother on Harmonica
Hulk is a very unique dog. Not only is hulk the incredibly massive size that can clearly be seen in the video, he’s only 18 months old and also shows much promise as a professional blues singer. Ch…
Stray Dog Receives Unexpected Gift
We believe that all stray dogs dream of finding loving owners and loving homes, but sadly most of them don’t even get a second look by the thousands of people who walk by them every day. In Lima, P…
Great Dane Gets Caught Napping with a Friend
Brutus loves taking naps, but he loves them oven more when he has a buddy to snuggle with…
Dogs Just LOVE to Give Kisses!
Is your dog a kiss hound? Does your dog just ADORE giving kisses to everybody? Some of our dogs, no matter no well trained or behaved, just cannot help themselves when it comes to doling out the …