When A Family Rescued This Dog, They Had No Idea She Had This Hidden Talent
Learning how to play an instrument is no small feat. Countless hours of lessons during which you learn the notes, scales, and chords make performances seem effortless.
While this pup may need to…
After Being Rescued From Living On The Street, This Dog Says Thank You In The Most Amazing Way
Rescuing a dog is not easy. Most of the time, the dogs are traumatized by what other humans have done to them. So they are terrified when a human approaches them. They either run, hide, or try to f…
Dog vs. Tree Branch
This playful dog loves to fetch a good old stick, the problem is the stick he wants to fetch is still attached to the tree. Who will win, the dog or the stick?
This Sweet Pup Is So Lucky To Have Been Found And Saved. Please Watch And Share So More Dogs Get Their Happy Ending :)
One of my favorite rescue groups strikes again and I’m so glad they did! Einstein was living on the streets and needed food, a bath and a forever home. Luckily, Eldad and his helper were creative a…
Cat Thieves Crack Me Up! Dogs, Watch Out And Protect Those Beds! LOL!
Clips of cats stealing dog beds pop up every now and again (Ok, pretty often LOL!) and no matter how many times I see it, I can’t stop laughing. Cats have this calmer than cool attitude while the d…
Did You Know That 99.9% Of Dogs Can’t Read? Meet One Dog That Can…
My name is Rue. I’m a dog, and I can read. Life before I could read…it’s difficult to recall. I remember long, lazy days of naps. Treats for doing basic things like sitting, or coming when I was ca…
This Puppy Mill Dog Never Felt Human Touch Until This Very Moment
We hate puppy mills. Let me rephrase that, we abhor, despite, and loathe puppy mills! All they’re after is the money they make. They have no regard of the poor animal’s condition, they don’t care i…
What Happens When Dog Wants to Play with Cat
Two dogs, a cat and a swimming pool. Watch what happens when a friendly pup insists on playing with a cat but the cat doesn’t want to play. Who do you think ends up falling in the pool?
Dogs, Like Moose, Make Pethood AWESOME!
Oh Moose, how did you get so cute? Those ears and head tilts are just perfect! How could anyone resist this little guy? I know I couldn’t! When Moose’s dad calls, he’s a bit confused, but happy to …
Dogs Who Hate Getting Out Of Bed Probably As Much As You Do! LOL!
While my favorite clip is the last (just wait to see this dog’s AMAZING reaction to waking up), each is so incredibly funny. Who can really blame these pups? The bed is such a comfy place and leavi…
Dolphin Falls In Love With Boater’s Dog And Jumps Up For A Kiss
There are moments that are so amazing you wish you had a camera with you so you can take a video and share the moment with everyone. Just like those times when your dog does something funny or some…
Watching These Corgis Enjoy Their Pool Party Will Absolutely Make Your Day
They say that spring is here, but I’m not buying it. I’ve yet to stash away my winter coat, fuzzy snow boots, and scarves in fear that there’s still one last April snowstorm in store. There’s nothi…
Dogs That Can Jump Rope? What?!
This video is what I consider paw-fect. It’s fun and entertaining. But most of all, the dogs are having a blast! Watch as their very coordinated legs handle jumping rope like it’s as easy as pie. H…
Watch As This Retired Military Dog Meets His Precious New Family Member For The First Time! What A Sweetheart!
Well well well, isn’t this just the cutest? When this military dog got home he had a special new friend waiting for him. Watch as they sniff each other out for the first time. So sweet!