Rescued Piglets Take Three-Legged Pit Bull For A Walk
Need something for your daily dose of cuteness? We have just the video for you!
We’ve shared a couple of videos of unlikely animal friendships and we never get tired of them. Those sweet and ado…
This Dog Is A Real Life Angel To Those In This Nursing Home
This story will make your heart smile!
Say hello to Nala! She’s a teacup poodle who has taken the internet by storm in the past few days. Why? Well, Nala has become the adorable mascot to Lyngblom…
They Couldn’t Figure Out How This Puppy Kept Getting Out Until They On Tape.
It’s no secret that dogs are pretty clever…especially when they’re puppies. Bursting with curiosity and energy, it can often be hard to keep track of these cuties’ antics…or keep track of them at a…
Dog Goes to Dog Park
If you ever wonder what it feels like to go to the dog park from your dog’s viewpoint, wonder no more. Penny was fitted with a GoPro camera and she takes us along on her dog park experience.
Dog Is Utterly Bewildered by a Flower Petal
Dog lovers in China got together recently to take part in a mass dog wedding. It took place in a lovely park in Beijing and featured 42 dogs getting hitched. It’s billed as China’s first ever mas…
Dog Is Utterly Bewildered by a Flower Petal
This chocolate Lab is no spring chicken, yet is remarkably confused by something so commonly seen in spring – a flower petal. See her reaction to this intruder.
Miracle Dog Survives Two Days in Wrecked Car
A car crash in Hauser, Idaho that claimed the life of a woman over the weekend, almost managed to claim two lives. No one knew she had been traveling with her small dog at the time, and he ende…
Hit-and-Run Dog Reunites with Family After Life Saving Surgery
The Cortiz family from South Bend, Ind., was devastated when their dog Pio ran away from home last month. They desperately searched for their pet, and for weeks posted fliers, visited shelters and …
Brave Dog Stops Murderer from Killing His Family
An American bulldog became a hero on Monday when he stopped a killer in his tracks. Donte Wyatt was on a crime spree in the Atlanta area when he entered a home and was scared into the basement …
Ultimate Belly Rub Compilation
We all know a dog’s favorite spot for a good old fashioned scratching is the belly. Well, some of these dogs really take belly rubs to a whole new level!
The Audience Was Completely Shocked By What He Did With His Dog Onstage
It goes without saying: there are some super-wacky characters that go on talent competition shows in hopes of fame and glory. Sure, some are truly talented, while others are just trying to claim th…
Community Saves 15-year-Old Dog Tossed in Garbage
Miriam Jimeno and Carlota Román from Valladolid, Spain, knew something was wrong when they heard muffled barks coming from a nearby garbage container. When the two woman came close to the large met…
This Little Pug Sure Does Love His New Toy…And It Loves Him Back, Too
Sure, pet toys can get expensive…but only the best for your pup, right? Well, this might be the priciest dog toy I’ve ever seen. Eighteen years of upkeep and emotional support is a big investment…
Gremlin and Stiggy Hanging Out with Uncle Bill
Who doesn’t love getting a little bit of “bro time” and hanging out with your favorite uncle? Looks like they have a ton of fun together.