Someone Needs to See a Doggy Eye Doctor
Awww! I think someone is a touch confused as to which ball is his, and which one belongs to that weird looking thing in the wall.
This Smart Dog Barks Quieter When Asked
Some dogs are quite talkative. And some just bark more than most dogs. Barking is their way of calling our attention. And sometimes, when they really want our attention, they can be very loud. Whic…
If You Still Think Pitbulls Are An Aggressive Breed, You Need To Meet This One.
Some ignorant people still believe that Pit Bulls are dangerously aggressive breeds. If they met Sharky, they would definitely think otherwise. We’ve featured a video of Sharky swimming with his cu…
You’ll Never Make An Excuse To Skip Your Workout With This Guy’s Adorable Exercise
Dragging yourself to the gym can be even more draining than the cardio class you take once a week. Some people like to treat themselves to little rewards, but that can be a slippery slope. After al…
Clever Dog Outsmarts Feisty Kitten During Playdate
Don’t you just love it when cats and dogs get along? They are so adorable when they become the best of friends. One of our favorites is that friendship between a cat and a blind dog. They were such…
The Reaction This Dog Has To A Water Fountain Will Have You Laughing SO Hard
On the first weekend that it really felt like spring in the Northeast — when the warmth from the sun actually registered on skin and the wildflowers began poking through the dirt — parks and outdoo…
For 2 Weeks, A Tiny Critter Was Stuck In The Sewer…Then, This Rescue Happened
When the crew at Animal Rescue Albania heard about this six-month-old dog stuck deep inside a small drain below the streets of Tirana, they were afraid extracting the poor thing would be impossible…
He Chipped Away At A Pipe Not Knowing What To Expect – I Was In Tears By The End
This rescue is hard to watch, but once you get to the end of it, it’s entirely worth it.
When a man in Portugal heard faint cries coming from deep underground, he set to work finding the source …
Elderly Stray Dog Receives Wheelchair For Paralyzed Legs And Can Finally Move Again
Keebler is an elderly Dachshund who was found abandoned on the side of the road. Keebler is thirteen years old and he couldn’t use his rear legs. In the hopes that his owner might come and claim hi…
Rescued Dogs Get Rehabilitated By Prisoners Who Also Need A Second Chance
Dogs and humans have a lot more in common than we often think. We all lose our way sometimes, we all need a helping hand. So it’s amazing to hear stories about not just people helping dogs, but als…
Watching These Homeless Dogs Get A Second Chance Is Why We Do What We Do
There are thousands of homeless dogs living all over the United States. These abandoned, often previously abused sweethearts struggle every day to survive without a family who loves them or a safe …
Dog Travels 37 Miles To Reunite With Owner After Being Removed From Hospital
Our dogs greeting us when we arrive home lets us know that they miss us. Even if we’re gone just for a while, our furry friends miss us. Just like that German Shepherd who was whining when his momm…
When You See How Cute This Bulldog Puppy Is With His Mom, Your Heart Will Melt
Recent studies have shown that roly-poly puppies are among the top ten things on earth.* Sure, full-grown pups are adorable, but shrink them down and it ups their squishiness tenfold. Plus, their u…
When He Ran Onto The Highway, My Heart Skipped A Beat – But Watch ‘Til The End
Most pet owners can agree that one of their biggest fears is their animal getting lose and darting out into oncoming traffic. Seeing a stray dog run in front of speeding cars elicits the same night…