According To These Adorable Dogs, Bath Time Is A Very Emotional Experience
While lathering up her own pups, Australia-based pet photographer Serenah noticed what a big difference the suds made not just in their fluffy coats, but also in their adorable personalities. She w…
What Groomers In Taiwan Are Doing To Dogs Is Weird…But Insanely Adorable
Taking your dog to the groomer can always be a gamble, but you’d still probably never expect to drop off your fluffy-faced buddy and return to find a perfectly geometric pup staring back at you.
This First-Time Mom Is So Excited To Meet Her New Baby, She Just Can’t Handle It
Adding a new baby to the family is always exciting, whether it’s a human, an animal, or even a new plant — whatever kind of person you are, becoming a first-time parent is always a hoot.
Dance Like No One Is Watching
When these animals feel the beat, there’s only one thing left to do. Dance like no one is watching!
Dog Keeps Cabulco Rescuers Company
On April 22, 2015, we all saw the magnificent but dangerous volcanic eruption that took place near Puerto Varas, Chile. We were all amazed with the beautiful images and videos of the Calbulco volca…
This Dog REALLY Hated Winter
This winter was a difficult one for many of us, but especially so for our dogs. Thankfully, every day it’s becoming a more and more distant memory. Here is one dog who really, REALLY hated it…. y…
Nylabones Recalled Due to Salmonella Risk
According to federal health officials, a number of dog chew toys are being recalled. They may be contaminated with salmonella, which is potentially deadly to both us, and our furry family memb…
Utah Girl Reunited With Dog After Two Years
This past Friday, Phoenix Lowe and her dog were reunited after two years and about 1700 miles of separation. Tilly had wandered off one day while in the care of another person back in 2013, and se…
Sleeping Puppy Won’t Get Up
This puppy is too tired to start the work week, and like many of us, he wishes he could stay in bed and sleep in.
Science Seeks Answer to Why Dogs Chase Their Tails
Does your dog chase their tail? Do they tire themselves out spinning in place, or end up spinning in one direction too fast for too lang? Well, your dog is not alone. A study taking place at…
Study Says Wolves Have Better Disposition Than Dogs
A study was conducted on wolves and their behavior in relation to each other as a pack. What was found that the key to the wolves’ success in the wild has something to do with them having a bu…
This British Bulldog Loves To Play Fetch But Hasn’t Quite Figured Out How To Stop
Dogs love to run and play fetch. But when they’re still little puppies, they need some time to control their muscles and their movements; just like growing children. And like children, they can som…
Life Would Be So Much Easier If All Dogs Could Do This
Imagine if our furry friends could prepare meals for us and clean our house while we’re at work. Things would be so much easier, right? But what if I tell you that a dog was trained to do all that?…
Dogs Helped Her Fight Cancer. Now Watch What She’s Doing To Help Save THEM…
Dogs don’t care how you look like. They don’t care about the material things you own. They don’t care if you’re rich or poor. That’s what makes them man’s best friend. They love us for who we are.