Abused Dog Saved from Death Desperately Needs a Miracle
Hello there! Thank you so much for viewing this fundraiser. This is for my dog Bailey, a rehabilitated rescue dog who is a gorgeous 6-year-old Kelpie x Labrador. Bailey is a beautiful dog who r…
Rescued Pit Bull Does Some Rescuing of Her Own
Bella is a three-legged rescue pit bull, and her human is Grace Kuhn. Recently, the dog decided that she would do a little of her own rescuing, and “adopted” a litter of kittens that were orphaned…
Dying Dog Goes on Legendary Cross-Country Trip
When Thomas Neil Rodriguez found out that his dog had less than a few months left to live, he and his fiancée wanted to make the most of the time they had with Poh. So they embarked on an exce…
KARMA! Chinese Dog Meat Vendor Accidentally Kills Self with Poison Arrow
A dog meat seller in the Hunan province of China got a taste of his own medicine when he accidentally shot and killed himself with a poison dart meant for one of the dogs he planned to sell as …
Dog Takes Page Out of Cat Playbook and Climbs Trees
Chip is a collie mix that is residing at The Dogs Trust, waiting for a forever home. Chip is a bit unique, given the fact that he is skilled at climbing trees! Check him out in this video, and if…
See Holly Catch Balls in a Bucket
Holly is incredibly talented – watch her catch the bucket, then catch balls in it! Ace obediently observes his sister, and both are given a treat for their excellent behavior.
Colombian Officers Rescue A Dog From A Landslide…And Perform A Miracle
The South American country of Colombia recently fell victim to a terrible mudslide. It’s among the worst the country has ever experienced. Since the disaster is still relatively fresh, stories are …
He Heard Sounds Coming From A Storm Drain. What He Found Inside Had Me In Awe
The good people at Heaven On My Earth Animal Rescue were alerted about a pregnant stray dog living by a dirty road in Arizona. The rescue organization quickly leapt at the chance to help the …
You Won’t Believe The Before And After Photos Of This Rescue Are Of The Same Dog
Employees and volunteers at the Jasper County Animal Rescue League in Newton, IA, are not strangers to sad, heartwrenching cases at their shelter. But even they were shocked at the pup they saw lef…
These Pooches Are Absolutely In LOVE With The New Family Puppies…Aww
Getting a new puppy is exciting for everyone in the family. Just think of all the walks you’ll get to go on, all the frisbees you’ll throw, all the sloppy kisses you’ll receive, and all the poo you…
When You See This Mare Running On The Beach With Her Pals, Your Heart Will Swell
A horseback ride along the shore on white sands is pretty much every little girl’s dream — also a lot of grown men’s dream. But would you ever think that it would be a trio of doggie siblings’ drea…
This Shiba Inu Dog Family Is Basically The Cutest Group Of Pooches Ever
As far as cute families go, we have to say this group of adorable shiba inus just might take the cuteness-crown from all of us. Sorry tiny human babies, you just aren’t fluffy enough.
Of course,…
A Look Inside the Mind of a Puppy
Puppies have got it made. Eat, sleep and play sounds like an ideal schedule for just about anyone. However, being a puppy is not all fun and games… Well, maybe it is. Either way, it sounds like…
Today Feels Like Lazy Dog Day
We know it is only Wednesday, but there are some weeks where we all – including our pets – are really tired. If you are feeling tired, you might just want to stay on the couch all day like this laz…