This Adorable Fluffy Pooch Should Start An Anti-Smoking Campaign
It’s a well-known fact that smoking isn’t good for you, yet people still do it. It’s each person’s own choice what they do with their bodies — ultimately, we all have our dangerous vices. Heck, if…
Let me love you: That poor cat
Cats just like “hey frank, do we really have to do this every time?” .
Wiener Dog Pool Party – Featuring Crusoe Celebrity Dachshund – GoPro
Sexy Ladies Wiener Party – it’s a wiener dog pool party as hosted at the celebrity mansion of Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund.
Hilarious Dachshund on holiday
Little Spithas is the man! The fiery Dachshund from Greece is on vacation! After 11 months’ hard work of chasing birds in the yard , burying bones and barking at strangers, he visits the beaches of…
When This Dog Catches Her First Fish She Does The Humane Thing…
Any fisherman worth his rod and reel knows that it isn’t just about seeing who can nab the biggest bite, but about tuning into nature and finding your quiet, peaceful place. Of course, that doesn’t…
“I’ve got this.”
Dog be like,”Are you furreal?”
He Lost Everything During Katrina. This Is The Moment He Reunited With His BFF
The devastation of Hurricane Katrina didn’t leave much in its wake for the residents of New Orleans to cling to for hope. The water destroyed countless homes and claimed far, far too many lives.
They Tried To Help Him But He Just Got Worse…Because He’s Allergic To Humans
One of the most common allergens for people is animal dander, which is why no one bats an eye when you mention you can’t snuggle with Fluffy or Fido because you’d probably break out in hives. Sure,…
It Looked Like His Pup Was Barking At The Waves, But When He Looked Closer…
Half the time when your dog is barking, it’s at nothing in particular. Maybe a twig “looked” at her the wrong way or the wind blew…that’s it, it just blew.
But when one man was bass fishing on…
Heartbreaking moment: Loyal dog tries to protect friend hit by a car and left for dead
Heartbreaking video shows loyal dog try to protect his friend after he is hit by a car and left for dead on a busy road in Turkey
They are known as man’s best friend, who will stay loyal to the …
This Dog Was Found With Her Mouth Taped Shut, But Good Samaritans Stopped To Help
Finding an abandoned animal is heartbreaking enough on its own, but when they’ve also been clearly mistreated by humans, it’s even worse. It never gets easier to understand why someone would be so …
They Say Practice Makes Perfect…But Not For This Piano-Playing Pup
Plenty of children are forced into piano lessons at a young age, but this adorable pup might be in more musical need than any human tyke.
Not that it stops the schnoodle, Tucker, from jamming ou…
This Pup Is Simply Too Tired…To Properly Lie Down And Take A Nap
When you become an adult, there are certain things that are expected of you. For instance, you’re supposed to use utensils to eat your mashed peas (Side note: what are you doing eating mashed peas …
Dog Wants Nothing To Do With Your Kisses, Mom
Mom, stop embarrassing me in front of my friends.
It takes strength to love openly and honestly. Especially when that love is directed toward a golden retriever w…