There’s Nothing This Westie Loves More Than Watching A Good Movie
For one precious Westie named Molly Malone, there’s nothing better than watching a great movie. This canine cutie loves all kinds of films, but there’s one that elicits a particularly adorable resp…
Cute Dogs Compilation
Here is another compilation for National Pet Week 2014. The 4 videos we included; Dog versus the ocean; Furry dog wants snuggles; Baby pushes dog in a toy car; Cute puppy walks his friend. We hope …
This Dog Will Do ANYTHING for Ice Cream
Ruby loves ice cream, and can hear the truck coming from blocks away. When she sees it coming, she makes sure that the driver knows to stop for her! Though Ruby definitely should be on a leash, i…
World’s Smartest Puppy!
Misa Minnie is a 7-month-old (in this video) Yorkie puppy who just loves treats, training, and California sunshine. Judging by some of the impressive tricks she pulls off, you could argue she’s the…
Dogs Give Their Marine A Big Welcoming
A YouTube video of a marine getting an enthusiastic doggie welcome has gone viral. The popular video shows an unidentified U.S. Marine being showered with affection by his three dogs after a 2-mont…
Surfing dogs hang ten
Dogs show their skills at annual dog surfing competition. Sharon Reich reports. Credit to Reuters.
This Monkey Found His Mother Dead, The Dog Did Something Unthinkable To Him
Nothing is more adorable than watching the amazing moments in the animal kingdom between different types of animals, but this one is totally special. I have never seen something like this before, a…
Puppy “attacking” bigger dogs compilation
This Sweet Husky Could NOT Be Happier About His New Pool
These hot August days can really get to you. You’ve already suffered through June and July, and although the easy breezy days of summer are great, you’re almost wishing for September to come. Well,…
This Dog Looks Very Funny While Sleeping
One of these dogs looks like she partied too hard the night before. That’s one funny yet cute way of sleeping.
Boston Terrier dog attempts to whistle
Watch as this adorable Boston Terrier, named Tinker, attempts to whistle along with her owner’s mother. She almost pulls it off!
Boston Terrier dog plays the piano
Watch as Bella the Boston Terrier goes through her first piano training session. She’ll be playing Beethoven pieces in no time! Have you ever witnessed an animal playing a musical instrument before…
Watching This The Boston Terrier Play With His Balloon Will Melt All Your Worries Away
I’ll never forget the year we found out my dog is deathly afraid of balloons. Ordinarily quite the social pooch, she could only cower back in fear until the frightening, floating orb was safely tuc…
A Smarty-Pants German Shepherd Taught Himself A Handy New Trick
Our pets depend on us to provide them with all the things they need to live a happy, healthy life. Well, except for this smart pup. He’s figured out how to fend for himself, thank you very much.