How This Puppy Politely Asks For A Treat Is The Cutest Thing EVER
Training your dogs early is important. As puppies, they’re better able to absorb not only the basics, like housebreaking and simple commands, but some impressive etiquette as well. For instance, ho…
When This Baby First Tries To Crawl, The Dog Does Something So Sweet!
There’s nothing like watching a little one learn to crawl. All those jerky, terribly coordinated motor skills at work are pretty adorable. But when this one pooch was there for the special moment t…
This Little Bulldog Is Struggling To Figure Out The Game Of Fetch…Too Cute!
It’s important to a dog’s emotional and physical development that they play games every once in a while. Taking a dog out for a run, a walk, or even a classic round of fetch is vital to a dog’s hea…
After Being Rescued From Living On The Streets, What They Discovered About This Dog Shocked Everyone.
This is Bo and here is his story. He was dumped near a car wash by his previous owner and for 7 months, he fended for himself. He slept outside and was exposed to the elements of the changing seaso…
Smart Dog Figures Out The Winning Strategy To A Game Of Tug
So you think I’m lazy, eh? Well that’s your opinion, Buddy! I’ve played this game of Tug enough to know the best strategy for winning it and have spent hours testing out my theories and game plan a…
Dog Gets Beauty Rest
When you’re a pampered pooch like Bessi, you can’t help but look cute even when you’re sleeping. YouTube user Aneliss caught her dog Bessi sleeping upside down. The pet is also dreaming of somethin…
Dog Hilariously Loses Fight Against Minion
Arne Doodle the Shichon takes on a Minions bop bag, but he’s in for a let-down – this Minion packs a wallop!
Everyone Told Him To Leave His Dog During Hurricane Katrina And Get Out. He Refused. Look At Them Now.
Family means never leaving anyone behind. That is why we always bring our dogs when we move to another house. That is because we consider dogs not as pets, but as family members.
And that is als…
Baby Wolf & Border Collie Play The Cutest Game Tug Of War Ever
Stop getting all the toys Faye, they aren’t all yours, you know! They are so mine! No they’re not so give it here. No! I said, give it here cos you have the other one, anyways! No! Hey, stop pullin…
Toddler Is Determined To See That His Dogs Get Fed
Good little tyke, so helpful too! Here he is helping mommy feed the dogs. Look at him climb up the dogs’ food bin just to get food and feed them. Why, there is no stopping this energetic toddler!
Bulldog Throws World’s Cutest Temper Tantrum After His Bed Is Stolen
If somebody steals your property, you’d be mad right? And if a parking slot is reserved for you, then somebody parks on it without your permission, that would surely get in your nerves too, correct…
Dog Shot over 50 Times Adopted by Loving Family
When Porkchop was brought to Chicago’s One Tail at a Time rescue, he seemed like any other healthy dog. But when his foster mom took him to the vet for urinary tract issues, it was discovered …
Boise Police Department Makes Rescue Dog new Mascot
The Boise Police Department has a new mascot. The goal of bringing the dog in is to hopefully strengthen police/community relations. Something the police department believes will make things …
When Daddy Doberman Sees His Litter, He Tries To Step In As Mom
We’ve all seen mama dogs loving their litters, but dads rarely get in on the action. This doberman, however, is no ordinary doggy dad! He just can’t get enough of his pups, and I’m sure mom doesn’t…