This Cute Pug Just Found A Strange Toy On The Floor, And Her Reaction Is Hilarious
Nao the pug is a curious little dog. When she sees something new in her house, you can bet that she’ll go over to investigate.
One day, Nao was just hanging out at home when she spotted a bath t…
This Boy Had No Friends Until Kind Strangers Got Him One He So Desperately Needed
Evan has always had a hard time making friends. Often bullied and ignored because of kids not understanding why he might behave a bit differently, school life has been tough on the autistic child.
The Last Known Rescue Dog From Ground Zero Gets The Treatment She So Deserves
Bretagne, a member of Texas Task Force 1, is the last known living search and rescue dog that worked at ground zero of the World Trade Center 14 years ago. She did a job that no one else could do —…
When This Tough Bulldog Encounters A Bug, His Reaction Is Hilarious
We all have our phobias. Rational or not, they can turn us into big babies. This poor bulldog, for instance, clearly has an issue with anything creepy or crawly. Not that we can blame him.
He tr…
This Poor Dog Was Living Under A Car For 7 Months…Until This Amazing Rescue
For seven months, this dog was too scared and sick to let anyone do more than leave some food out for him. He hid under porches and cars, all the while suffering from mange, high fever, a severe fl…
When They Took Off His Leash, This Dog Could NOT Contain His Excitement
There aren’t many times in a dog’s life when they get to be free of the leash outside, and this smart dog knows that. Just wait and see his adorable reaction to being let off his leash in a huge pa…
Golden Retriever Disrupts Cat from Playtime
Apparently this Golden Retriever thinks that the family cat is having TOO much fun and decides to intervene. Looks like someone is a little jealous! Credit to ‘ajhopen’.
Golden Retrievers jump in and dive underwater for toys
Rummy’s Beach Club in Spring, Texas is an exclusive and private facility where dogs and their owners can swim together. It helps exercise dogs, benefits arthritis, joint dysplasia and physical cond…
Baby golden retrievers try to climb a slide
A litter of 4-week-old Golden Retriever puppies adorably try to climb a baby play slide. If you’re looking for a heart-warming moment, look no further! Credit to ‘Little Things’.
She Was Away For Too Long, But When Mom Returned — What An Amazing Welcome
There’s a reason dogs are commonly referred to as man’s best friend. They love humans, especially the ones who cuddle with them, feed them, and walk them. So when one of those people disappears for…
Disney Lauches Star Wars Dog Toys And The Nerd In You (And Your Dog) Will Love It
There’s a new Star Wars movie coming out soon, and Star Wars fans are getting so excited about it! There’s even a new Star Wars Droid Toy that came out! And the puppies in the video below had the c…
Dog Cries When Reunited With Owners
I’m always so amazed at the kind of love our dogs give us and, if you think about it, we actually give so little back to them in return. Sure, we spend time with them; walk them; feed them; bathe t…
When Dachshunds Line Up For A Race In The Pool, The Outcome Is Unexpectedly Cute
The dog days of summer may be behind us, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun with your pups in the sun! This family got the bright idea to race all of their dachshunds in the pool…and …
English bulldog dances with his owner
According to his owner, this adorable English bulldog, named “Brutus”, loves to dance to music whenever it hits his ears. Watch him in action!