Dogs Leave Their Toy Out In The Rain, Dad Stops At Nothing To Save It
Twitter user @oohhhkayyy recently shared some screenshots of her family group chat that told the story of her dad’s act of kindness and heroism. And the family’s dogs are forever grateful for his a…
Dog Found Freezing In The Snow, Neighbors See He’s Been Trying To Help Someone
Winters in Siberia are bitterly cold, and surviving outdoors during them is a longshot to say the least. So when some people noticed a dog outside freezing in the elements, they feared the worst. B…
Rescuers Find Dog Hobbling Down The Road, And It’s A Wonder He’s Still Alive
Animal Aid came across a dog strangely stumbling down the road and knew something was really wrong. When they got close enough, they could see that the stray had a horrible wound on his head. Reall…
Golden Retriever Has Glorious Time in the Snow
Many dogs absolutely love snow. Maybe it’s because it transforms the familiar surroundings into something new and exciting. Everything they see, smell, touch and hear is different in snow. That als…
Two Homeless Mother Dogs Found Nursing Puppies Together In Alley
Two stray female dogs were doing their best to keep their puppies safe by working together. The unusual pairing came to the attention of Northwest Dog Project (NDP) after a Good Samaritan found the…
Cute Golden Retriever Is World’s Best Burger Salesman
On a trek through China, video blogger Dan Wolfe met up with a friendly hamburger salesman working the crowds along the pier in the village of Huangpu. This clever golden retriever is trained to wa…
Meet the NYC Dog Who Stands on the Corner Offering Hugs
Meet Louboutina, or Loubie, a five year-old golden retriever who’s become world-famous for her doggy hugs. This beautiful dog was named after French fashion designer Christian Louboutin, which seem…
Totally Chill Dog Goes for Ride in Exotic Super Car
Elvis is spotted in Downtown Savannah riding in this super cool exotic car. Awesome!
Smart Dog Breaks Into Food Bin That Is Supposed To Be Dog Proof
Any dog parent will have at least one story of their dog stealing food. But not every dog is like MeMe. The Australian Shepherd manages to thwart even the most clever containers to get at her kibbl…
Shocking Video Shows Large Dog Riding in Trunk of Small Car
Alarming footage of a large dog in the trunk of a small car has emerged from Russia. The dash cam video, recorded on January 13, 2019, shows a large dog, possibly an Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd …
Raleigh man accused of leaving 2 dogs in a box – one found dead
In a heartbreaking case of animal cruelty in Raleigh, a man faces charges for abandoning and abusing two dogs and abandoning them stuffed into a cardboard box along the side of the road behind Gree…
Marathon athlete ran 19 miles carrying puppy she found along route
A marathon athlete in Ratchaburi, Thailand carried a stray puppy she found along the route for 19 miles across the finish line. Khemjira Klongsanum, 43, had noticed the other runners averting the p…
South Carolina law would require pit bull owners to register their dogs
In South Carolina, a bill was introduced last week which would require all pit bull owners to register and microchip their dogs if they are not sterilized. Owners who did not comply with the neute…
Dog cowered and quivered as rescuer urged her off of frigid porch
Near the Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania area, the Speranza Animal Rescue was called Wednesday afternoon referencing a dog that had been abandoned and left tied to the frigid porch of a house with a ba…