Dog Deemed Unadoptable Because Of Desire For Toys Becomes Ohio’s First Pit Bull K-9
In a world where people unfairly blame the pit bull breed for being aggressive, one pit bull was shunned for his love of toys. Life was not peachy for Leonard the pit bull, at least not the very be…
Puppy Found In Ditch With Muzzle Taped Shut Thanks The Man Who Saved Him
A man named Bob found a little dog with his muzzle taped shut in a ditch by a bridge and immediately scooped him up to take to the Griffith Animal Hospital in Griffith, Indiana. The black electrica…
While In Costa Rica, Hope For Paws Finds A Dog And Some Friends In Need Of Help
The work never stops for Eldad and Hope For Paws. And he’d have it no other way. While in Costa Rica for some rest and relaxation, the other “R” word was still very much in play: rescue! Shortly af…
Country music star Luke Bryan just adopted an elderly ‘hospice’ dog
An elderly dog, 18 years of age, just hit the forever home jackpot with country music star Luke Bryan. The dog, named Poochie, was being cared for by Nashville’s Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue when B…
Pitiful jail sentence for woman who abandoned elderly, blind dog in parking lot
An Ohio woman who was convicted for abandoning her elderly, disabled dog in a Wadsworth Walmart parking lot has been given a pitiful jail sentence. As reported by Fox 8 News, Rita Swartz, who owned…
German Shepherds Preciously Watch Over Cute Geese Chicks
The new year has begun and new friends have arrived for Thorin and Charon the gentle German Shepherds. Check it out as they greet the first geese chicks of the year. Too cute!
Great Dane and puppy enjoy relaxing nap time together
It wasn’t so long ago that Ellie and Mikey could curl up in one dog bed together. Watch and enjoy as the two partied out pups enjoy some quiet time!
Good Boys Who Are Ready To Get The Job Done Whenever Duty Calls
he 17 dogs below are just trying to make an honest living, and they know what hard work is all about. The good boys are more than ready to get the job done when called upon. Also, they look so ador…
Dad Makes Adopting A Puppy An Event The Family Will Never Forget
The day has come to get the new puppy, and Dad wants to make it an event the family will never forget. He records the entire journey to the Alaqua Animal Refuge in Freeport, Florida, and I have to …
Dog Takes Over FaceTime Chat After Mom Falls Asleep Talking To Boyfriend
Leo is a little fluffy Chihuahua who lives with his mom, Brookelyn Bilski. They’re always by each other’s side, so when Brookelyn was chatting with her boyfriend over FaceTime one night, Leo was ri…
Mama Cries For Help For Her Pup, Puts Complete Trust In The People Who Show Up
Animal Aid Unlimited received a call about a wounded puppy on the side of the road. When they arrived, the mother was by his side crying out for help. She was standing guard and looking out for her…
Cats Are Doing Some Bird-Watching When The Dog Shows Up And Ruins It All
It’s no secret that cats and dogs are very different animals and make very different pets. Cats are generally more independent and keep to themselves, whereas dogs are more known for having big per…
Rescue of 200 dogs from South Korea slaughterhouse begins
In Hongseong, Korea, the rescue of 200 dogs from a South Korea slaughterhouse begins today. Members of the Humane Society International identified a dog breeding farm ready to shutter its business …
Harvey is 15-years-old: He just wants to go home
In San Bernardino County, at the Devore Shelter Harvey is desperate to go home. He is 15-years-old and possibly blind, yet somehow he ended up as a stray and his family has not reached out for him….