Dog Hears A Child Crying For The First Time, And His Face Turns To Concern
The playful German Shepherd in the video below is just enjoying some toys and having a good time when his mom plays a video on her phone of a crying kid. The dog has never heard such a thing before…
Stray Could Do Nothing But Hide From The World — Until Her Pain Turned To Play
Animal Aid Unlimited received a call about a stray dog suffering from a skin disease on the streets. All she could do was try to hide from the world. Her skin was so red and raw. Terrified of more …
Attacked and left to die at junkyard, rescuers rush in to help small dog
Star was attacked and left to die at a Houston junkyard. On Wednesday, Star was transported out of the Harris County Animal Shelter to a specialized emergency veterinary hospital for life-saving me…
Shelter releases update about homeless dog in wheelchair
A great deal of attention, and concern, has been focused on a homeless California shelter dog who was recently photographed in a wheelchair. The dog, dubbed Blake aka Scooter, is at the Riverside C…
High energy pup in danger after family surrendered, citing ‘baby and allergies’
A high-energy pup, just nine months of age, is in danger of losing his life after his family surrendered him to a busy, high-intake New York City animal control agency. The pup, Chase, was turned i…
Rescued: Little Darla unable to use her front legs lost at shelter
How did little Darla wander out onto the streets of South Los Angeles? The one-year-old stray, helpless poodle is unable to use her front legs, but she still wags her tail. She waited at the South …
‘Thinnest dog ever seen alive’ who resorted to eating bits of glass and old batteries
These shocking photos show the ‘thinnest dog ever seen alive’ which resorted to eating bits of glass and old batteries because it abandoned and left starving.
The dog, who has been named Eric by…
Dog Forms Unlikely Friendship With Pig
By Lucy Notarantonio A PIG has formed an unlikely friendship with a deformed wonky-faced dog – and the two couldn’t be happier. One-year-old swine Pax was rescued from a breeder when she was just 1…
Construction Workers Hear A Puppy’s Cries From Above Just As A Hawk Drops Him
One day, some construction workers were going about their business when they heard a puppy’s cries. They searched around the construction site but came up with nothing. They then noticed the sound …
Grandpa Builds Tiny Closet For Dog Who Loves To Wear Clothes
There’s a little dog named Pluto who loves wearing clothes. It’s not just about fashion to him, though, as it helps the tiny pup to keep warm. His mom, Twitter user Lily, discovered this shortly af…
Dad Goes To Great Lengths To Restore Some Privacy In His Life, Watches It Fail
Sometimes you just need some privacy and alone time. As much as we love our kids and our pets and would do absolutely anything for them, there are just times when we need a moment of peace and quie…
Tired Kitty Handles Sudden Swarm Of Puppies The True Cat Way
Cats are known for being independent animals who seem to have no interest in anything going on around them. But what if a cat was suddenly surrounded by lots of lovable, energetic puppies? Surely t…
Little Dog Barks To Let People Know That A Deer Needs Their Help
A woman and her husband were driving by when they saw a little dog on the side of the road who was barking like crazy. It were as if he were trying to get someone’s attention. And there, right besi…
Dog Breaks All The Rules During Agility Run And Has Fun Doing So
Kratu is a rescue dog from Romania, and he’s one happy-go-lucky pup! His personality was put on full display for all those in attendance at the Crufts Dog Show, and let’s just say no one was left d…