Owner Offered His Home And Property To Anyone That Could Find His Lost Dog

How far would you go to find a lost friend?

In Arizona, a man was so distraught over losing his dog that he was willing to put up a huge reward to get her back.

It started in April when a two-year-old Chihuahua went missing. Eddie Collins had been searching for two months for Jenny, his lost dog. At first, he offered a cash reward but wasn’t getting any leads.

“I need your help Tucson,” he said. “I appreciate if you’d get her back to me.”

After two months of searching, Eddie upped the offer to a one-bedroom home and outbuildings, along with the property where they stand.

“I’m willing to give the land, the trailer, the workshop, all of it free and clear, no questions asked. I just want to have Jenny back,” he told KVOA-TV.

Eddie hoped that someone would take him up on his offer. He just wanted to get his dog back.

“For me, it’s not about material things, it’s about her,” Collins said.

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