Owner dumps 15-year-old Poms ‘Chucky and Milo’ at crowded shelter

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After 15 years of having a home, Chucky and Milo were surrendered to the Carson Animal Care Center; the reason – their owner didn’t want the responsibility of caring for the bonded little Pomeranians. The two bonded seniors need everyone’s help to either find an approved rescue organization, a home or a compassionate family to provide foster care. Otherwise their futures seem very bleak.

#A5106984 My name is MILO and I’m an approximately 15 year old male Pomeranian. I am not yet neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 9/2. I will be available on 9/2. Follow Milo’s plight here:

Pomeranian  AGE:15 years
Male  ARRIVED:9/2
Carson Shelter – 310-523-9566
M-TH 12pm-7pm, F-SU- 10am-5pm
216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248

#A5106985 My name is CHUCKY and I’m an approximately 15 year old male Pomeranian. I am not yet neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 9/2. I will be available on 9/2.

Pomeranian  AGE:15 years
Male  ARRIVED:9/2

A Facebook page for both of the dogs can be followed here.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

(Photos and videos of Chucky and Milo courtesy of Saving Carson Dogs’ volunteers)

Share their information, photos and video; we are their only hope. Sharing saves lives – help Chucky and Milo leave the shelter cuddled safely in a rescuer’s arms. Check out their video. Haven’t these two very frightened seniors been through enough? Surely someone can help:


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