Outrageous: More than 60,000 dogs used in painful lab experiments

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In Washington, DC, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) released a report on Tuesday showing more than 60,000 dogs are still being used annually in lab experiments for toxic chemicals, drugs, dental implants and other products.

According to the report,  an investigator for the HSUS saw dogs killed at the end of studies, and others suffering for months including 36 gentle beagles being tested for a Dow AgroSciences pesticide.

“Dow commissioned this laboratory to force-feed a fungicide to beagles for a year, with some dogs being subjected to very high doses – so high that up to four capsules had to be shoved down their throats.  Those who survive until the designated end date of the study in July will be killed. Dow has publicly acknowledged that this one-year test is scientifically unnecessary. The United States government eliminated this test as a requirement more than 10 years ago and nearly all countries throughout the world have followed suit through efforts that have been led by Humane Society International in cooperation with members of the industry, including Dow.”

Unfortunately, experiments with these gentle dogs continue at hundreds of laboratories throughout the country. The HSUS has been urging Dow to end the experiments and release the dogs, however every day these caged dogs are still administered poisons and are getting closer to being killed. The Charles River Laboratories in Michigan is only one example of these cruel experiments.

Dogs are sold to many of these for-profit companies, government facilities and universities by commercial breeders. In one experiment at Marshall BioResources, where 22,000  dogs were used last year, one dog named Harvey, who had been described by laboratory staff as a “good boy” was administered two substances into his chest cavity.

Video: This is Harvey who was used as an experiment:

At the University of Vermont, hounds were used when protocol called for larger dogs in such experiments as inserting pump drugs through the spinal canal.

Scientific studieshave shown that more than 95 percent of drugs fail in humans, even after what appear to be promising results in animals. The Humane Society of the United States is seeking to replace dogs and other animals with more effective non-animal approaches that will better serve humans.

“It is our obligation to tell the stories of the animals and move science, policy and corporate ethics into the 21st century,” wrote Kitty Block, president and CEO of the HSUS and HSI.

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