One-eyed dog at animal shelter in danger

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Of late, all eyes are on the areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma – meanwhile, dogs in animal shelters in other areas of the nation are being forgotten. Dogs like “Scrubby,” a one-eyed pit bull mix at the Carson Animal Services facility in Gardena, California.

On August 26, the Saving Carson Shelter Dogs Facebook page issued a plea on behalf of this five-year-old dog:

SCRUBBY is probably the cutest One eyed Dog in the Shelter next to One eyed Sammy who is in another building. This sweet guy is adorable with the most playful energy.
Please SHARE for his life, he needs a TEMPERAMENT TEST requested IN PERSON by an Interested Party before the Shelter will allow him to be saved. Without this Test being ordered he can be PTS at any time after his Available Date. A FOSTER or Adopter would save him. Thanks!

Without the help of people who are willing to network Scrubby’s information, he may not make it out of the facility alive. Please take a moment to share Scrubby’s adoption information – you may save his life.

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