Old English Sheepdog’s Eyes Were Matted Shut When They Found Her On The Railroad Tracks

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Sometimes when we are lost, all we need is someone to reach out to us and help us find the way. Dogs are like that too. Whenever a dog is lost, all he needs is just one person to help him, and that will change his world forever.

That is why we’ve always looked up to Eldad and his team. They rescue abandoned/stray dogs, and help them find a loving, forever home.

Eldad has once again rescued another precious life. When Hope for Paws received a phone call about a dog wandering near the railroad tracks, Eldad and his companion, Jacqueline Artecona, immediately headed out to search for the dog. They’ve been told that the dog runs away when she’s approached. When they finally found the dog, the poor thing couldn’t see because of all the fur that has overgrown in her face. Watch the video below and see how beautiful this dog is after she was rescued and cleaned up!

Shayna is so beautiful! She looks so happy running around and getting the love that she desperately needed!

Help Shayna find a loving forever home by sharing this video!

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