Ohio Officials Say Scrappy Can Stay With Sick Child

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In Lakewood, Ohio, there has been a fight going on about a dog that “appears similar to a pit bull” can stay with his family. This decision comes from city hall officials, despite the breed specific laws (BSL) in that location, and really is thanks to the locals that showed up in solidarity for the family. They also showed up with signs pushing to end the BSL in the area.


Scrappy was given to the family of Aleeah Williams about a year ago. He is a therapy dog that was meant to help the little girl suffering from cystic fibrosis cope with the difficulties that come along with treatment, and day to day life. Because Scrappy seems to have pit bull genetics, the city of Lakewood says he is in violation of the BSL. The family says they were given the dog with no clue as to the dog’s breed.

To read more about Aleeah, and how Scrappy helps with her condition, click here.


In response to finding out that the city wanted to take the dog away from Aleeah, local residents and neighbors came out to protest. They showed up in droves, carrying signs reading, It’s a ‘Pittie’ Lakewood has B.S.L.” and “Honk if You Love a Pit Bull!” They clearly want the dog to stay with his family, and they don’t want to see the continuance of the BSL in the area dropped.

After a private hearing, it was decided that with a few modifications made to the home, Scrappy can stay. After the announcement was made, an exuberant Lakewood resident was quoted as saying, “Scrappy stays! We won! A privacy fence must be built, and he must wear a muzzle in public.”

The exception to the current BSL is being made for Scrappy because they are considering him an assistance dog. Of course, this doesn’t speak to the larger situation at hand, and the fight to end breed specific legislation continues on in Lakewood. However, this is a step in the right direction, and more importantly, a sick little girl gets to keep her dog.

What do you think? Do you live in an area with BSL? What are you doing to stop it? Here at Life With Dogs, we love all breeds, no matter what. Share your pit bulls with us, too! We love seeing pictures of your pups!

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