Officer Finds And Saves Dog Chained To A Door, And Then She Gives Him That Look

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NYPD officer Joshua Sailor was on the job when he saw the saddest sight: a puppy tied to a door with chains providing just enough room for her to stand up. The eight-month-old pit bull had no food or water, and he knew he had to help.

The dog was so emaciated, every bone in her body could be seen. She must’ve been there for a very long time. This broke the officer’s heart.

After freeing and rescuing her, she looked up at him as if to say, “thank you for getting me out of there.” From here on out, neither of their lives would ever be the same again! 😉

Officer Sailor absolutely fell in love with the pup, and after the ASPCA examined and treated her, he decided to adopt her! He named her Mila, and they couldn’t be happier with the way things worked out.

“It was like when you wake up on Christmas morning as a little kid and you see all the presents downstairs,” Joshua told ABC 7. “She 100-percent needed me, but I 100-percent needed her too.”

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