NYC “Relaxes” Stiff Dining with Dogs in Restaurant Rules

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Here at Life With Dogs, we’ve been covering the rules in New York City when it comes to eating food at a restaurant with your dog.  They recently did allow that to happen for dog lovers, but some of the really stiff rules and regulations still made it very difficult.  As of today, a new and more “relaxed” set of rules has been established, and local lawmakers are happy with them.


With the new rules, restaurant owners will not have to ask someone with their dog for paperwork.  This was a major sticking point that required anyone who does bring a dog with them, must also paperwork on the dog’s health status (updated shots for example) and license status on paper with them.  Now, that’s no longer an issue.

Now, restaurant owners will simply have to post visible signs that inform people wishing to dine with their dogs, that this information is something that they are required to have with them.  However, there won’t be a checkpoint set up to check everyone’s dog out individually.

“I’m so pleased that the city Department of Health threw dog lovers a bone,” said Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal (D-Manhattan).  She sponsored the law to allow dining with dogs.  “These proposed regulations are common sense measures designed to protect the public health while allowing New Yorkers to dine with their dogs.”

The health department is also satisfied with the new rules as well.  Health Commissioner Mary Bassett said, “[The new rules] ensure that restaurant patrons can bring their dogs to outdoor areas, while also keeping other diners protected.”

The other rules will not be changing.  Dogs are still to be kept in outdoor dining areas, and kept away from people walking by the restaurant with or without other pets, dogs are still not to come into contact with eating or table surface, and dogs still not become an obstruction for people moving in the dining area.  However, there won’t have to be specially build barriers and checkpoints to go from one place to another once inside.

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