Nobody Believed Her When She Said What Her Rotty Does When She Pets Him. So She Filmed THIS

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Some people don’t believe things until they see it with their own eyes! What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of Rottweilers? For me, I think big, muscular dogs that make excellent protectors. I don’t think of a cute, cuddly lap dog! Well, as we all know, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

Rottweilers, as I have just recently learned, are very affectionate and sweet! The video you are about to see will prove that beyond a doubt! The big rottie in the video, not only likes kisses and hugs, he responds by what can only be described as purring. He sounds just like a big (enormous) kitty purring; it is called “rottie rumbles”!

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