New York man charged in death of tethered dog
On April 7, the Suffolk County SPCA announced that a Wyandanch, New York, man is facing charges in conjunction with the death of a tethered dog, According to the animal welfare agency, 54-year-old Nicholas Garrett is facing a charge of animal cruelty by the Suffolk County S.P.C.A. for one count of failure to provide proper sustenance including lack of food, water as well as three counts of tethering violations.
Garrett allegedly is responsible for the death of a four-year-old male pit bull named Tyson. When detectives with the SPCA responded to a complaint received from the Suffolk County Police Department, they found Tyson dead, still tethered to a tree, with an empty water bowl out of his reach.
If convicted, Garrett will be required by law to register with the Suffolk County Animal Abuse Registry . Each person registered in the registry shall remain on the Animal Abuse Registry for five years following their release and must notify of any change of residence.
Chief Gross said that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Suffolk County. If you witness any incident of animal cruelty or neglect in Suffolk County please contact the Suffolk County SPCA at (631) 382-7722. All calls will be kept confidential.
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