Naughty Dog Shuns Walking With His Mom, Takes Hilarious Mud Bath Instead

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This mischievous dog could use some lessons in recall. That’s because whenever he sees a mud puddle he completely ignores his human and plunge right in. And he’s not just dipping his feet in either.

In this hilarious video, Toby is out for a walk with his human and a group of other dogs. But he’s already discovered a huge mud puddle.

His human is no doubt regretting bringing him along for a walk. She equally perplexed, and asks Toby “Why are you just sitting there?” But Toby just looks at her silently, his yellow face brown with mud, before going back to enjoying his mud bath! She can’t help but laugh at what he does next.

No wonder Toby’s mom describe’s Toby’s loves at “mud, water and sleeping” and has nicknamed him the “swamp dog”.

It’s a simple life for Toby. But it’s one that brings him much joy!

Share Toby’s muddy misadventures with your family and friends.

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