My puppy is new at the house looking for some fun & New puppies

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My puppy is new at the house looking for some fun & New puppies
Our pets are our companions, but you can definitely train your pet to also be yours and your close one’s guardian as well. This woman puts her dog to the test in this controlled training exercise and records his reaction after he witnesses her baby in potential “danger”.

The woman appears to be angry and acting like trying to hit the child by smacking on the crib with rolled paper and a stick. The dogs barks at her after each hit then jumps and tries to take what ever is in her hands away. After each successful attempt, she praises him for his good job.
These cute little puppies need a loving home. As soon as you look into their expressive eyes you will
want to make them your own! Pet and cuddle them. Their faces move and they even breathe, just like
a real animal. These super adorable pups are just waiting to be adopted by you!

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