Must-See Video: Shelter Dog Has The Best Reaction After Getting Adopted

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Every shelter dog deserves a loving and caring home, and that’s exactly what happened to a cute canine named Benny as you’ll see in this amazing, inspiring clip.

According to, Benny was a very sweet, but very shy and scared dog who was at the Carson Animal Care Center, a high-kill shelter in Gardena, California. But, as fate would have it, after a week at the shelter, someone came along and rescued him.

In the video, Benny nervously hides and nervously paces in his holding cage, but when he realizes he’s going to be taken out of there and into a new environment, he does something of a happy dance. And it only gets more wonderful from there.

Benny leaps and runs and greets his new family with complete and utter love and gratitude. You’ll jump for joy right along with him. Watch the incredible moment here:

[youtube id=”zdcL0QFLDek”]

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