Momma Dog Tied To Sign Shielded Babies From The Cold

We are endlessly thankful for the animal rescuers who come to the aid of vulnerable creatures in need. When the security team at Kloof and Highway SPCA noticed something unusual tied to a sign at the end of the shelter’s driveway, they immediately contacted Inspector Kerrie Andrews to check it out. Expecting to find a dog in need, she went to investigate — but what she found was far more distressing than she could have anticipated, revealing a heartbreaking situation that required urgent attention.

There, curled up by the sign, was a mother dog with her four puppies, all huddled together for warmth. The mother was the only one tethered, but her devoted puppies refused to leave her side, staying close despite the chilly morning air. No one knew how long this little family had been left there in the cold, but it was clear they needed help right away.

Inspector Andrews realized the urgency of the situation and knew she had to get all five dogs to safety without delay. She slowly approached them, speaking softly to gain their trust.

“Mom was nervous and did not trust Inspector Andrews at first,” explained Brigitte Ferguson, a marketing assistant at Kloof and Highway SPCA, in an interview with The Dodo. “But with gentle talking and patience, she soon realized that she was safe.” The puppies, meanwhile, seemed content just to be with their mother and out of the cold.

Once they were safely inside the shelter, the team focused on warming them up. They set the family up in a warm, comfy bed under a heating lamp and provided hot water bottles for the puppies. The mother dog, who was visibly underweight and covered in ticks, fleas, and worms, received immediate medical treatment.

“We treated her for parasites right away,” Ferguson said. “She was scared, but soon became relaxed as she realized she was in a safe space.” Over the next few days, the mother dog began to recover. She gained weight and started looking much healthier. Although she remained a bit apprehensive around new people, her need for love shone through once she felt comfortable. Her puppies thrived as well, growing happy and energetic as they played together in their warm, safe space.

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