Milly: Saddest rescue story ever as dog writhed in pain in shelter for weeks

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Milly had been ignored and overlooked at a high kill shelter in Texas when advocates appealed to Rescue Dogs Rock NYC for help. In perhaps the saddest rescue story ever, the young dog sat on a dirty concrete floor and writhed in pain. She had been dumped at the shelter after having been hit by a car or possibly beaten with a blunt instrument – no one knows for sure but both scenarios fit the dog’s pitiful physical condition.

The dog sustained serious injuries including a broken jaw, gashed out eye and a broken leg. She also tested heartworm positive accompanied with severe anemia. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the veterinary staff at the San Antonio hospital where Milly was rushed, noticed the dog’s swollen belly. A followup sonogram showed at least four babies – she is now expected to give birth at anytime.

While Milly’s needs are being addressed and she has been temporarily placed in a foster home, the Monday morning update on this saddest rescue story becomes even more concerning:

“If you thought Milly’s rescue story couldn’t get any worse, it just did,” wrote Stacey Silverstein, co-founder of the rescue organization. “Besides being PREGNANT, having a broken jaw , broken leg , gouged out eye, we are now unsure whether MILLY will be able to nurse her babies.
Take one look at the pic  and you will see Milly’s teats are totally destroyed; most likely from having multiple litters, being abused as a breeding machine. We just don’t know how this could get any worse for poor MILLY.”

Despite all of the obstacles this little dog has had to face, she remains loving, sweet, gentle and affectionate. Milly is kind to everyone – all dogs and all cats. What a tribute to Milly who has been tortured and neglected throughout her life. Never again Milly – your rescuers will make sure your life is filled with love.

Please donate to help Milly:
Pay pal
PO Box 101
NY NY 10028

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

(Photos and video courtesy of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC)

Check out Milly’s video when first rescued: (What a brave little dog)

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