Man Uses The Shirt Off His Back To Save A Possum From Drowning During A Rain Storm

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Floods can be scary things. And for one little possum, a flood almost ended in disaster. Luckily for the tiny creature, there was help nearby.

A group of friends happened to be walking through the city of Puerto Vallarta in Jalisco, Mexico, when there was a rainstorm.

They happened upon the stranded possum who was in the middle of the road, drowning in the flooding. One of the friends immediately sprang into action when he saw the helpless creature in need.

One of the members of the group shared to ViralHog, “After watching a poor possum being swept away by a surging rainstorm, my best friend Abraham, took his shirt off to save the possum and deliver it to safety.”

The man, Abraham, took his shirt off as he approached the possum. The entire time, his friend was recording his actions while he attempted to rescue the little animal before the waters carried him away.

Thankfully, he managed in time, as he was able to scoop the possum up in his shirt and carry him over to safety. He was then able to release the possum back to freedom.

Watch the caring rescue in the video below:

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