Man Who Had To Say Goodbye To Dog As A Kid Reunited With Her 10 Years Later

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It was 2005 when Wisconsin resident Adam Mahon last saw his Pit Bull, Roxanne. Due to financial issues that resulted in the loss of his home when he was a teenager, Mahon’s mother believed they had to give Roxanne up. When they’d tried to get her back a few days later, she had already been re-homed.

He told WBAY:

I had so many unanswered questions and just the emotion of coming home one day and my dog’s gone.

Though Mahon always wondered about Roxanne, he moved on and currently lives in Milwaukee. But the stars aligned last month when a microchip scan by Kim Charniak at Safe Haven Humane Society brought the two back together. Charniak felt compelled to reach out to Roxanne’s original family and Mahon could hardly believe his luck when he got the call that now 12-year-old Roxanne had been located.

“My friends, they never saw that side of me. Like, I don’t cry too often, but I just broke down,” Mahon said.


After 10 years, Roxanne and Mahon reunited in Howard, Wisconsin. Roxanne didn’t remember him, but it didn’t matter one bit to Mahon. He initially hoped to adopt Roxanne if his living situation improved, but has since decided he is not in the right place to take on a dog. Even so, Mahon finally received closure, all because of one microchip.

Featured Image Safe Haven Humane Society

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