Man Moving Into A New House Finds A Dog Left Behind In The Basement, And The Dog’s Reaction Says It All

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Did ever get that nagging feeling, when leaving your old house behind, that you might have forgotten something? This heartbreaking story happened in St. Louis, when the new owners moved in and discovered somebody had left behind a beautiful dog, chained up and left to die.

“I just bought a house and there is a pit bull chained up in the basement,” the new owner told staff at Stray Rescue of St. Louis. “I’m not sure how long it’s been down there.”

With time of the essence, volunteers rushed to the scene to rescue the poor abandoned pup, who could not be happier to see them. “When we opened the door to the basement and shined our flashlight down, we saw a wagging tail,” Natalie Thomson, the group’s communications director, told The Dodo. “She was nearly choking herself as she was so excited to see us. When we freed her, she couldn’t stop jumping up and down and giving hugs.”

So who are these heartless people, who chose to leave a life behind, all alone and unable to fight for its survival? Turns out a squatter had been occupying the property, and had left behind a load of garbage and other stuff, as well as the dog. Nobody knows who the squatter was, or why they chose to leave behind such a precious pup. Clearly though, she wouldn’t have survived much longer without being found as there was no food or water bowl for her.

Her exuberant personality and the sheer joy she showed at being rescued earned her the name ‘Jumping Bean.’ For a dog that has gone through the traumatic experience of being abandoned and left to die, Jumping Bean has a remarkable spirit. “Her personality is completely adorable,” Thomson said. “She loves everyone she meets and craves attention. She makes sure she is not ignored! She’s an energetic and very affectionate pup! She is so happy all the time.”

Scroll down below to see a video of Jumping Bean’s emotional rescue, and let us know what you think in the comments!

This man couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw a dog chained in the basement of the house he just bought

Turns out a squatter had been occupying the property, and had left behind a load of garbage and other stuff, as well as the dog

With time of the essence, volunteers rushed to the scene to rescue the poor abandoned pup

Her exuberant personality and the sheer joy she showed at being rescued earned her the name ‘Jumping Bean’

“She was nearly choking herself as she was so excited to see us” A rescuer called to the scene said

Check out the video below to see the adorable dog’s reaction to her emotional rescue

Here’s how people reacted

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