Man Heartbroken After Monster Lures His Dogs, Tortures And Shoots Them At Close Range

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John Houle’s two Huskies were missing for several days from his home in Audubon, Minnesota. Houle believes someone lured his dogs away. Houle managed to find one of his dogs about a mile away from home, Denali, was alive, but in serious condition. His other dog, Diego, was dead by the time Houle managed to find him.

Both Huskies had been shot at close range with BB pellets. Denali had X-rays, and they revealed more than 40 pellets in his front legs. Houle is mystified as to why anyone would do this, he says both his dogs were very friendly. Doctors expect Denali will recover, but he will lose one leg. Houle will bury Diego on his property.

The Becker County Sheriff’s Office is asking anyone that has information to call. Someone out there knows what happened to these two animals. Help Diego and Denali get justice. Share away, people.

[h/t Pet Rescue Report]

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