Man Finds a “Lost” Dog That’s Not Lost at All…
When a young man stopped at a gas station, he saw a dog wandering around the lot and assumed he had gotten away from home and was lost. But when he checked the dog’s ID tag, he was surprised to see that there was no phone number…
Tyler Wilson was pumping gas at a Valero when he saw the aimless dog, who was friendly enough to allow him to approach and check his collar for identification. One would expect to see a phone number, or an address – something – but instead found a short message inscribed.
It’s kind of hard to read, but it says: “My name is Dew. I am not lost. I like to roam. Tell me to go home.”
“Dew just likes to adventure,” the Louisville man said on Twitter.
How comical! He did indeed to tell the dog to go home, and that’s likely where he went. Wilson’s tweet went viral, and people expressed their wishes for him to find Dew again.
Mandey Lee caught wind of this and replied, “He is home napping. He had a date at the fire department this evening but he will try to fit you in later this week.”
Another family member posted other photos of him, and now Dew even has his own Twitter account!
Hopefully Dew lives in a relatively unpopulated part of the area, where life (and traffic) move more slowly. We certainly do not suggest that people allow their dogs to take themselves for walks, as any number of dangerous things could happen to them. Please just try to enjoy a cute story.
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