Man Creates Wheelchair For His Girlfriend’s Dog With Just $40

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The way to a woman’s heart, is through her dog.

Do you believe in that? Well, as a dog lover, I think that saying is very true. And I’m pretty sure this woman named Briana Ibarra will also agree.

Briana’s dog, Benny, was suddenly paralyzed in his rear legs. Briana and her boyfriend, James Paniagua, were informed by the vet that the corrective surgery for Benny will cost around $8,000 to $10,000.


After hearing how much the surgery would cost them, the couple was desperate in finding a more affordable alternative.

James Paniagua told The Dodo that Benny had always been indifferent to him. But he felt sorry for the pup and he wanted to help him. So he did some research about dog wheelchairs and he discovered that they were very pricey.


Then James came up with a clever idea, he decided to make his very own DIY dog wheelchair. He went to the hardware store, bought some PVC pipes and other materials, and built a wheelchair for Benny. And it only cost him $40!

Watch the video below and check out the wheelchair that James built!

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