Man adopts 45 dogs and lets them run free in a four-acre enclosure

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The life of a shelter dog is a very sad thing. They spend their time in a small enclosure just waiting for someone to take them to their forever home. With the overpopulation of shelters, lots of dogs are overlooked and may even spend their entire lives without experiencing true freedom and happiness.

A shelter’s staff will do the absolute best they can for each dog in the meantime, but it’s no substitute for an actual forever home.

That’s why this video is so incredibly uplifting. A man adopted 45 dogs (yes, 45!) to set free in a four-acre enclosure to let them live the lives they were always meant to live. Just watch them go! 😊

“We live with 45 dogs and a Grey Wolf. A new 4-acre play enclosure had just been built for them and the video shows them first being let loose to play in it,” the owner said.

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