This Man Is Addicted To Adopting Animals In Need–And Treating Them Like Family!

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So many animals are in need of forever homes but there are ones that are always harder to place. Luckily for this group of senior dogs, chickens, a bunny and a pig, their hero stepped in and they are now safe and sound, and LOVED!

Steve Grieg has a heart of gold and I wish it were contagious! His group of adorable misfits do EVERYTHING together.

Can you imagine walking down the street and seeing them all together? OH EM GEE! I would pass out from cuteness overload!

He walks the dogs and pulls a wagon to include his other kids. Isn’t that the sweetest? All the animals eat together, sleep together and hang out together. They are a real family!

Some people truly are angels that walk among us. With 587,000 followers on Instagram, I guess we all dig this kind of thing. Check ’em out on IG, @wolfgang2242.

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