Mama dog gives birth under house so firefighters crawl underneath home to rescue newborn puppies

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Our local authorities have a vital role in ensuring the community is safe and secure. Their roles and responsibilities can sometimes go beyond their primary job description, especially when their job needs them to go the extra mile.

Let’s take the police department, for example. Their main responsibility is to maintain peace and order. They also respond to emergencies and alarms like robbery, theft, and other crimes. But we’ve seen police officers who went above and beyond to watch over minors caught in a sticky situation.

Needless to say, these officers – police, fire, or health – are willing to do more for the sake of the community. After all, someone who truly wants to serve the people would ensure that their constituents would feel they could count on the authority.

This story of a firefighter saving puppies from underneath the house received praise from people. It’s not their job per se, but they willingly help the resident in need.

Fire department and animal rescue

The primary role of the fire department is to put out a fire and ensure everyone is evacuated and safe. During a fire, their priority is to save humans first, and animals or pets come next.

We heard many stories of firefighters saving a cat or a dog during a fire, and we commend them for that. However, when it seems impossible to save the animal because the fire has spread widely, they have no choice but to abandon them.

But when there isn’t any fire alarm in the area, the fire department is always ready to help. That is why many people call them when they need to save an animal stuck somewhere. After all, they are trained to crawl in tight spaces or climb taller or higher establishments.

Puppies needed saving

A resident from Tulsa, Oklahoma, called the Tulsa Fire Department for a pet emergency. She said her dog, Avery Daisy, was pregnant and recently gave birth under her house between the footing and floor.

The mama dog already went out from underneath and back inside the house. The resident was worried that all her puppies were still under their home, and it may be difficult for her to care for and feed them. So, she called TFD to rescue them.

Firefighters to the rescue

Of course, the firefighters didn’t say no to this request. Like other agencies in the community, they willingly went to the residence to save the puppies.

The fire team came and crawled underneath the house with a flashlight on hand. There, they saw all seven puppies and took them out. The puppies were all healthy and safe.

Puppies, anyone?

Now that the puppies have been retrieved, the owner plans to spay and neuter them when they are old enough. She also would provide the basic health needs like vaccination and deworm before putting them up for adoption.

Who knows? The fire department may need a new fire dog in their department. We bet they could take care of one of these cuties so well. They saved them, after all.

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